Lullabluebye/Play by Frank Kimbrough, released 12 August 2022.
This version of Lullabluebye/Play comes as a 4xLP.
The vinyl is pressed as a opaque disc. Another vinyl is pressed as a opaque disc. Another vinyl is pressed as a opaque disc. Another vinyl is pressed as a opaque disc.
- Volume I - Lullabyeblue
- Side 1
- 1 Lullabluebye 4:44
- 2 Centering 4:20
- 3 Kid Stuff 5:48
- Side 2
- 1 Fu Bu 4:36
- 2 Ode 5:51
- 3 Ben's Tune 5:18
- Side 3
- 1 Whirl 5:23
- 2 Ghost Dance 6:39
- Side 4
- 1 You Only Live Twice 6:06
- 2 Eventualities 6:38
- Volume II - Play
- Side 1
- 1 Beginning 4:56
- 2 The Spins 5:37
- 3 Lucent 5:20
- Side 2
- 1 Waiting in Santander 8:13
- 2 Conception Vessel 6:17
- Side 3
- 1 Jimmy G 5:22
- 2 Regeneration 5:47
- Side 4
- 1 Play 3:00
- 2 Little Big Man 4:20
- 3 Beginning 2 3:57