The Beatles-The Beatles Revealed(BOK)

2010,Innbundet,200 Sider,By Paul Du Noyer,Engelsk

  • Artnr: 9781847867117
  • På lager:2 stk

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Whether due to their charisma, musical genius or ability to evolve from 1950s rock 'n' roll to psychedelic pop, The Beatles were - are - probably the most famous and successful band in the world, and despite breaking up 40 years ago, their popularity remains rock solid, with fans ever-thirsty for new celebrations of their work. Following on from the successful "Led Zeppelin Revealed" and "Pink Floyd Revealed", this new, glossy, visually stimulating coffee-table book quenches this thirst. Organized by year, this brilliant book covers all the major events in their career accompanied by revealing and evocative images.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

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